Smudging is an ancient form of spiritual cleansing that involves burning herbs or other substances and using the smoke to purify a person, space or object. It is often associated with Native American and other indigenous cultures, but variations of smudging are found in many cultures around the world.
The most common herbs used for smudging are white sage, cedar and sweet grass. The smoke from these herbs is believed to have a purifying effect, clearing negative energy and promoting healing and balance.
To perform a smudging ceremony, a bundle of the chosen herb is lit and then gently blown out, so it smoulders and releases smoke. The person performing the smudging will then use a feather or their hand to direct the smoke over the body or around the space or object being cleansed.
Smudging is often used to clear negative energy before or after a ceremony, to purify a new home or space or to cleanse and renew the energy of a person. It is a sacred practice that is believed to connect us with the spiritual realm and promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.